If you could be a dog, what type of dog would you be & why: “I think that I would be a Lab! Like my self, they love people, other dogs, exploring everything, eating everything and have SO much energy, but they also dont mind curling up with you on the couch!”
One favorite memory with an animal: “My dog Freddie was the only dog in our house for 2 years but then we got Hunter and it has been a competition for my attention ever since. So in the beginning of March I decided that Fred and I needed a trip without our other side kick, Hunter. So I decided to take him up to the beach on the North Shore of Massachusetts. I knew that they allowed dogs in the offseason but had never gone. From the second we got there Freddie was in his element! Digging in the sand, rolling in the sand, smelling the ocean, running in to the ocean, making new people friends and making new dog friends. He was so good! And my favorite part was even throughout all the fun he was having he would always look back or run back to me to make sure I was still there and having just as much fun as he was!”
Favorite thing about bringing pets to weddings: “I love that people include their pets in their weddings because to me our pets are our family! And we invite our family to weddings and that should include our dogs! Oh and I also love the dogs can be unpredictable which makes for a great blooper and a laugh!”
Name of Pet(s): “Freddie and Hunter”