If you could be a dog, what type of dog would you be & why: “Shiba Inu, this was my childhood dog growing up. Plus they’re smart and unique.”
One favorite memory with an animal: “Watching a puppy and having her fall asleep on top of my head on the couch, it was so cute, I didn’t want to move!”
Favorite thing about bringing pets to weddings: “Pets are such a huge part of our lives, it only makes sense that they should be a part of this special day.”
Name of Pet(s): “No pets at that moment, that’s why I get to love on others like they’re my own!”
If you could be a dog, what type of dog would you be & why: “A Husky. I am super social, love to talk and sing. And I also love cold weather and nothing makes me happier than when we get snow in the winter!”
One favorite memory with an animal: “My dog Dixon goes on many adventures with me including visiting local breweries. At one such brewery he decided it would be fun to hop up and do a little doggie tap dance on the picnic tables. He earned the reputation of the happy dancing hound, and now everytime we go to this specific brewery I get a free beer on the house for the smile Dixon puts on the bartenders’ faces.”
Favorite thing about bringing pets to weddings: “Pets are family too! It is only right that they be their on such a special day. They add so much love, joy, and fun to an already wonderful occassion. Having them present on such a momentous occassion and having it documented means so much!”
Name of Pet(s): “Dixon, Chance, Norbert, Scuttle & Triton”